»NFC Door Locks by Yale An Amazing Invention for Home

NFC Door Locks by Yale An Amazing Invention for Home

NFC Door Locks by yale could be the next big thing in house hold technology, With this new NFC Technology soon you can open the door simply just by placing your Smartphone into the lock. This NFC Enabled door locks by Yale is a cool amazing invention. NFC Technology enables a simple data exchange between two devices in close proximity. beside used for the payment system now this NFC technology also can be used to open a door locks.

During CEDIA Expo 2011, Yale demonstrated what appears to be the first consumer door lock that employs near field communication - just hold your NFC-enabled smartphone near the lock and the latch responds, as long as you have the right permissions.

To be able to use it, we still need to download the applications to our smartphone and then to open the door, we can suppress the menu on the phone and then hold the phone to the door.

Check out the Demo Video below of the Yale NFC door Locks.

Hmm I'm sure the Door Security system could be better with this NFC door Locks technology by Yale.

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Was posted by: , under category Amazing Tech and permalink https://coolamazingblend.blogspot.com/2011/09/nfc-door-locks-by-yale-amazing.html. Published at Wednesday, September 21, 2011, 7:27 PM.589,788 ReviewsNFC Door Locks by Yale An Amazing Invention for Home

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