»iPhone Pepper Spray Case Ultimate Protection tools

iPhone Pepper Spray Case Ultimate Protection tools

This iPhone pepper spray case could be one of the coolest self protection tools which lay inside your iPhone. there's so many ruggerized case for iPhone but there's no case to protect yourself against the robbery.

SmartGuard Pepper Spray is a Smart Phone Cases for iPhone that also can protect yourself from danger because there are the pepper spray inside the case. By using this case your iphone will look a lot bigger than their original form but that's due to the pepper spray that could save you in an emergency situation.

The SmartGuard iPhone case is designed to hold a canister of pepper spray and is fitted in such a way that you can answer a call and deliver a dose of funky mist in one smooth motion. Of course we would never condone or encourage the use of pepper spray for anything less than mortal danger, but it is nice to know that the next time some street thug tries to swipe your precious iPhone you may have an easier time warding him off. The SmartGuard iPhone case is available for $50

Get the SmartGuard Pepper Spray Case for your iPhone Now!.

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Was posted by: , under category Amazing Tech and permalink https://coolamazingblend.blogspot.com/2012/02/iphone-pepper-spray-case-ultimate.html. Published at Tuesday, February 21, 2012, 10:44 PM.589,788 ReviewsiPhone Pepper Spray Case Ultimate Protection tools

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