The Ningen Gakki could convert your Body into a Digital Music Instrument. as we know the japanese always comes with an amazing ideas. such as this one, Ningen Gakki (means Human Music) comes with the form of a cute doll flat miniature. In every corner of the hands and feet there is a sensor which is used as input to produce sound. You can play a digital music instrument with your friends by using this cool amazing stuff Ningen Gakki.

The working principle of Niggen Gakki was combining the sensor technology with the interaction of you and your friends when playing this instrument. You just look for friends as much as 4 people and asked the four of them simultaneously holding each end of the arms and legs of this doll.
After four or your friends hold this ningen gakki, your next task is to perform movements such as hitting, slapping, pinch, or just touching all areas of the body of your friends. Each area and the movement will be brought to the sounds of different musical instruments. Suppose you pat your friend 's hand, the sound produced will be different then for example if you pinch the cheek of your friends.
To make your digital music becomes more interesting, there are also several alternative modes to choose from such as the song mode, sound effects and drums mode. For those of you who want to have Ningen Gakki you can buy it for about $53. Check out the Video below for More details of this Ningen Gakki.
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