If you think 12 String guitar is enough, not with Keith Medley, this Musician and Guitar Builder from Tennessee manage to build his own 27 string guitars. Keith Medley who was known as a guitar builder from Tennessee has made a cool amazing invention. that was a 27 string guitar. he made this cool amazing guitar just for himself. well i wonder how to play a 27 string guitar? The builder of that guitar keith medley admits that he needs several years to learn to play his 27 String Guitar.

Keith explains on his site. “The hard part has been learning to play it. Through two years of bittersweet struggle between myself and these 27 strings, I determined it would not defeat me but would play the music I heard in my heart.” If many world guitarist think that 12 string or even 6 string guitar is enough, Keith says the music he hears in his head is more than can be played on six strings, so after many sketches and nights of contemplation, he came up with this unique 27-string instrument. He claims it’s like playing three instruments at the same time.
Well actually this 27 String guitar by Keith Medley was not the guitar with the most string in the world today, lately pat metheney played 42 string pikasso guitar which is made and designed by Linda Manzer. But anyway a 27 string guitar was really a cool amazing ideas. How keith managed to play this 27 string instrument? Check out the Video below.
"Hall Of The Mountain King" Keith Medley and his 27-string Medley Guitar from Jon Grimson on Vimeo.