Looking for a luxurious dual SIM Phone? There's so many designer made a bling version of smartphone today such as this Luxurious Goldvish Equilibrium Dual SIM Phone. Goldvish was known as a manufacturers of a Luxurious GSM Mobile phones like Vertu or this tag heuer link. This Swiss made phone is equipped with 2.4 inches LCD with highly resistant sapphire glass. The phone can be customized in various finishes according to your pocket starting from stainless steel, aluminum, titanium or high quality leather. The luxury feature of the phone is the different parts of the structure will be manufactured from 18 carat gold or platinum.

This Goldvish Equilibrium luxury dual SIM phone is a very light unit with weight 185 grams with the dimensions of 123 x 49 x 15 mm. The other prominent features of the phone have an internal memory of 8 GB, camera, an FM tuner and a Bluetooth. The phone charge can last up to 7 hours or 20 days in standby mode. Each phone is handcrafted and the price will depend on the material the customer chooses, Goldvish gives you a choice of this equilibrium phone series finishes such as from Stainless steel, aluminum, titanium or even from High Quality leather. the range starts from $160,000 to $ 2,500,000. If you has more money why don't you purchase this $8 Million Golden History iPad2 by Stuart Hughes.
Before this Luxury Goldvish Equilibrium series, Goldvish has been released another luxurious phone with the series of GoldVish Illusion and Goldvish le Million. The Goldvish Illusion phones was covered In solid 18k gold and studded with diamonds, Prices for the GoldVish Illusion start from US $25,000, While for Goldvish Le Million listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as both "The world's most expensive cellular phone" and "The world's most exclusive cellular phone" at one million Euros or approximately US$1.3 million.
Beside known as a Luxurious GSM Phone manufacturers Goldvish also known as the most exclusive department stores and the best jewelers throughout the world.