This is such a great news for every gamers, Now with the game controllers we can scroll up or down the webpages. Mozilla has just launched a new Gamepad API that will allow developers to use either USB or Bluetooth-connected gaming controllers with the Firefox browser. Not so you can scroll web pages with a PS3 move or XBox 360 controller, but so that new cool games can be created. As if we don’t have enough games to play through already. With this new invention in the future there will be a New Browser Based games where you can use the Game Controller to play.

With this new Gamepad API from Mozilla we're sure that in the future there will be new way of online web gaming. The idea allow developers to make better games using the Firefox browser. Now you can play browser-based games with a real controller, not just your keyboard and mouse. This could change online web gaming for good.
Check the Mozilla Gamepad API Demo Game video below
On the Video above we can see How the Playstation 3 Controllers used to play Bouncy And the Apple.
And the Video below is about the Javascript Gamepad API demo for xBox 360 Controllers.