This cool floating hotel form ship could be an upcoming trends for the future architecture, we have seen a futuristic flying house and an amazing yacht island before and now there's another cool floating hotel concept called Three Spirits,
The Three Spirits floating hotel concept originated on the basis of innumerable personal drawings and painting studies, along with the inspiration for the direction of form, color and special arrangement that came from the architect’s personal diving experiences. Hand drawing and personal reflections became the driving force for the design, as it connects the design with the underwater world which the hotel guests explore

The project has also been consulted with the naval architects, and they said it’ll work. As per the project, each of the three ships functions as an independent unit. Ships are built on diesel electric system which made it possible locating 4 azimuthal propellers’s fueled from the underwater part of the legs. Further, each ship has been designed for 30-days of self sufficiency, and is intended to swim in island area.
The ships making up a complex like structure, to a certain level, differ as for the applied program, and if the suitable localization is chosen, they may form an island ‘Lang’. Guests can have the privilege to enjoy the supplementary attractions. On the first ship, guests have a ballroom at their disposal, a casino on the second and on the third, there’s a hall of multi-functional purposes where live theatrical performances and film screenings are possible. And, when the three ships will meet, they generate a common water area for guests to swim safely. Further, the diving capsule will be a main attraction for a particular ship, where the guests can practice scuba diving and can also dive safely to see wrecks or coral reefs. In addition, guests also get set of boats, which allow them to choose an appropriate place for recreation.
Each ship will have a dissimilar interior style, which is a personification of one of the idols of Oceania, and it also has the possibility of simulation of own voice and thoughts, along with the knowledge of underwater land which it will convey. To ask questions, guests can also communicate with their guide throughout a knowledge hall, ‘the heart’ of the ship. And, depending on the host’s character they are also educated by means of whispers present on the shipboard.
The three ships owing to their unique sculptural forms seen on the horizon are to evoke impression of the fairy-like creatures which attracts the beauty.
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