Tobii EyeAsteroids was the World's first Arcade games that run with eye control. It means you can play this arcade games just by using your eye motion. isn't it really amazing? It's definitely takes the top spot without any competition. Before this Tobii was known for their built-in eye control systems on Lenovo Notebook.

It could be a prototype for futuristic arcade gaming where you don't need to push any button or moving the joystick to play the games. All you need to do is move your eye. This Tobii EyeAsteroid Games goal is simple enough, You have to prevent asteroids from hitting the Earth. It is a modern take on the classic Asteroids arcade game with a technological twist that accounts for virtually no lag between your decision and the action which follows. See also the Hyper Realistic FPS shotting Games.
Players can now immerse themselves completely into a game like never before while taking competition to a whole new level. The arcade’s hardware is also much beefier than its inspiration. Powered by an Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 processor, it features an Nvidia GF 405 video card and runs primarily on Windows 7. The game made its debut at New York’s Dave & Buster’s arcade earlier this month. It will stay here for a couple of weeks before moving to London. It will also be on display at CES in Las Vegas from 10-13th January, 2012. Each of the games is priced at a hefty $15,000 but the catch is that Tobii plans to produce only 50 of these games.