Diabetes Mellitus was one of the deadly disease if you don't concern about the right treatment. Nowadays there's a cool diabetes scanning device for user friendly diabetes treatment called You can Eat. It's really a great invention in medical technology.

The adroit mechanism of this conception will allow the internal scanning of a diabetes patient's veins (to measure their glucose), without the requirement of any sort of invasive or probing equipment like syringes or needles. This would certainly mitigate the psychological malaise of injections, especially in case of children
Beside that this devices will scan food products and decide whether its good or bad for you. It Measures their glycaemic index (GI) figure and the number of calories they contain. The info will be displayed in conjunction with the patient's acceptable daily intake. See the image on the right.
You can eat devices comparison attribute helps the concerned user to find out a definitive quantity of how much they can eat without upsetting their glucose levels. Moreover, the device can also prove to be beneficial to people who are strictly adhering to their personal restrictive diets.