This is Mobile Accessibility an Android Apps specially made for the blind people, This cool apps was launched by several providers in US, Sprint and Virgin Mobile. With this apps the blind people can use the android mobile phone without a usual QWERTY keyboards.

By installing this application All the menu on the Android will be the one to the application can then be accessed through touch. The difference here, every touch that they made on each of the application will produce a sound to tell them about what menu is being touched and when appropriate, we just clicked 2 times.
So also if you want to call someone, every touch will give voice and figure in which the finger is removed the finger from the screen when it is considered that number is the desired number.
Not all functions can be used in these applications but all the important functions that are most frequently used will be here starting from the call, address book, SMS, alarm, calendar, email, web, GPS location, setting and some other applications.
See the video below about How this Mobile Accessibility Apps works