Do you need a cool game controller for your tablet or even smartphone? here's some great concept for a universal game controller called by Drone, Drone the ultimate game controller suits your smartphone and even a tablet. This Drone controller was perfect for those who're looking for an old school game controller without a touch screen features.

Guys at the Seattle-based Evolution Controllers are working on such a project. They have launched a Kickstarter project to raise fund to develop a smart controller that they call the DRONE.
The Evolution Team is looking for some financial support from well-wishers on Kickstarter to back the project. Aiming at a pledged target of $60,000, the team has already made $1,400 from 17 backers. A pledge of $65 will bring you an original version of the smart gaming controller once it gets into commercial production. The Evolution Team that is formed by three guys, including a programmer and industrial designer plans to improve the prototype and produce high quality products in future with advanced components and high-tech facilities.
Hope that in the near feature they could made this cool amazing game controller for your smartphone and tablet.
Via : Gizmowatch